Susan Tiberghien starts off our 2018-2019 season with a workshop on the power of words, drawing on fiction as well as nonfiction.
“So much about the world right now is not ‘fine’. That’s not pessimism, it’s reality…” (Poets & Writers)
Let’s imagine as writers what we can do.
10am--12pm Morning Workshop
12--12:30pm Announcements
12:30-2pm Bring your own picnic lunch to share
2-4:30pm Afternoon critiquing: session led by Susan Tiberghien (if reading, 1400 words maximum or 2 poems; bring 20 copies). Fees are 20 if reading, 10 if not.
Sign up at
Other participants are welcome!
Payments can be made online via the GWG website, or in cash on the day