The title of my morning workshop will be ‘The art of journalistic writing’
Saturday March 21
The Art of Journalistic Writing
with Rosalind Yarde-Jumbe
Good journalistic writing gets to the heart of a story in 25 words or less. It engages the reader from the first sentence without wasted words yet can conjour up the most vivid pictures of people and places. Whether you want to write blogs, features, articles or simply find new ways to sharpen your writing skills - whatever your genre - learning from journalism will help improve your craft.
Rosalind Yarde is a former national newspaper and BBC journalist. She will lead a general critiquing session in the afternoon.
10am--12:30pm Morning Workshop
12:30pm Announcements
12:45-2pm Bring your own picnic lunch
2-4:30pm Afternoon critiquing: session led by Rosalind (if reading, 1400 words maximum; no poetry; bring 20 copies). Fees are 20 if reading, 10 if not.
Sign up at
Other participants are welcome!
Payments can be made online via the GWG website, or in cash on the day