Poetry Workshop
Friday, March 12, 2021
From Inspiration to Publication: Editing for Poets
with Carmen Bugan
Are poets the best editors of their own work and what are the things they should think about when putting together a collection? When is a poem "finished"? How does punctuation affect the emotional register of the poem? The workshop on "Editing for Poets" addresses these and other questions.
Dr. Carmen Bugan’s books include the memoir Burying the Typewriter: Childhood Under the Eye of the Secret Police, which was a Waterstones Book Club Choice and serialized for radio as BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week. The book also won the Bread Loaf Conference Bakeless Prize for Nonfiction and was a finalist in the George Orwell Prize for Political Writing and the Dayton Literary Peace Prize. The documentary film based on the book has also just been released as part of the Astra Film Festival.
Her collections of poems are: Releasing the Porcelain Birds,The House of Straw, Crossing the Carpathians, and Lilies from America, which won a Poetry Book Society Special Commendation. She is also the author of Seamus Heaney and East European Poetry in Translation: Poetics of Exile, and her book of essays, Poetry and the Language of Oppression, is forthcoming with Oxford University Press. She has a doctorate in English literature from Balliol College, Oxford University.